

What is it?

This extension can be used to add further windows for displaying the NetLogo world patches. It is possible to define a patch variable, which should be used for colorization. Therefore it can be used to visualize more than one patch-variable at a time (it can't visualize turtles currently). The colorization can be actualized in each simulation step and there is a reduced set of right-mouse-click functions available (export to graphics file, inspect patch x y). The settings of NetLogo's own view about the size and number of patches is used for each extra view-window created by the extension.


How to get it?

Download the zip file for your NetLogo version, unzip the file inside your extensions directory of your NetLogo installation. Now, you shoud see an multiview folder inside the extensions folder. See the documentation inside multiview/doc for further instructions.


What else?

Please cite this extension in scientific publication as follows:
Thiele, J.C., Kurth, W. & Grimm, V. (2011) Agent- and Individual-based Modelling with NetLogo: Introduction and New NetLogo Extensions. In: K. Römisch, A. Nothdurft & U. Wunn (eds.): Die Grüne Reihe 22. Tagung der Sektion Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik des Deutschen Verbandes Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökologie und Umwelt der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft - Deutsche Region, 20-21th September 2010 in Göttingen (Germany), pages 68-101, ISSN 1860-4064.

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